
Introduction to Candy Buffets

Posted by Ken Shenkman on Jun 18, 2015

Come one, come all to the best candy store in town!  I'll be your sweeter-than-sweet-tarts hostess, Denise.  This is a series, my friends, a series about candy buffets.  A hush comes over the crowd.  Eyes focused, ears perked, everyone is holding their breath.

A candy buffet as part of the Frills & Spills wedding collection by Neviti decorations.

First order of business: to tell you exactly what a candy buffet is.  It's candy and lots of it.  All is spread out in a beautiful display of colors and flavors that are so appealing, you won't want to stop eating!  And it doesn't have to be candy!  Tingle your guests' sensory nerves with the sweet smell of cupcakes or brownies.  There are also a lot decorations and bowls of various sizes, and to be honest, it can all be pretty overwhelming, both for the host and the guests… Unless you're an expert.  And I am.  There are a lot of components between what kind of candies to buy to how much you should spend.  We'll even cover common mistakes you should avoid.  I'm here to help you put together the best candy spread for all your events and soirees.

And it can be for any event, especially those life-changing moments.  Ready to say “I do”?  Got a “bun in the oven?” Celebrate these precious moments with a little extra sweetness.

     Blue and pink baby shower candy buffet by Candy Kisses UK.

Now why would you even need one?  Why not hand out tea sandwiches or just have a potluck?  First of all, it looks good.  Not only is a candy buffet made of edible treats, it's an excellent decoration.  Between the different colors and the various glass containers, a candy buffet done right is a definite show-stopper.

The Edinburgh Uni Law Ball candy buffet by Candy Creations of Glasgow & West Scotland.

In addition, candy bags are a great party favor.  Rather than spending hours and stacks of cash creating the perfect goodie bag for your guests to take home, let them do it themselves.  Order or design your own little bag to give to each guest so they can run over to the candy buffet and fill them up with their favorite treats.

Suddenly, I'm fearing for my life as I see the audience rise to their feet as they ready themselves to stampede to Bulk Candy Store to buy all their candy needs!

WAAAAAIT!  I'm not done yet!  This is a series, remember?  I'll be giving you all of my candy buffet tips and tricks in small doses.  Stay tuned!

                                                          4th of July candy buffet by Bulk Candy Store.